Schwartz, Perry and Heller LLP debunks common misconceptions about sexual harassment. In this video, an experienced sexual harassment attorney sets the record straight.
Unlike how it is often perceived, this type of abuse is not about consent or even sex.
It’s about exerting power, domination and control that’s both unwelcome and unwarranted. With many now working remotely, the NYC-based firm cautions that sexual harassment does not have to take place in a traditional office setting. Off-site activities are the most common areas where this abuse takes place and are considered extensions of the workplace. This includes retreats, trips and even business dinners. Sexual harassment protections also cover beyond just co-workers. Employers are responsible for the actions of vendors and third-party contractors. Finally, it’s important to acknowledge that women aren’t the only victims. Sexual harassment can happen to anyone.
Whether in person or online, everyone should enjoy going to work. A sexual harassment attorney can help. There are always resources and options when this abuse occurs. Schwartz, Perry and Heller LLP encourages anyone who thinks they are a victim to seek legal advice from a professional sexual harassment attorney.