Find bicycle accidents to car accidents to other such motor vehicle accidents, there are many reasons that you would need to find a personal injury lawyer. Interest to find a personal injury lawyer is certainly not uncommon here in the United States, and not even just among those who are looking to find a personal injury lawyer after an event such as a car accident or other such motor vehicle accident. Many people are looking to find a personal injury lawyer for other personal injury cases as well, such as those relating to medical malpractice and wrongful death.
Medical malpractice cases, for instance, cause many people to need to find a personal injury lawyer. Such cases occur, in a typical year, as many as twenty thousand times. Unfortunately, medical malpractice has even been found to result in up to two hundred and twenty five deaths over that same course of time. Of course, this can leave many people in need of a settlement and interested in making a personal injury claim. Such considerations will lead them to need to find a personal injury lawyer as promptly as they are able to.
Slip and fall accidents are also common here in the United States and are often yet another reason to need to find a personal injury lawyer. Such slip and fall cases happen up to seventeen thousand times a year, at least according to the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (also known as the CDC). These slip and fall injuries, especially those that take place in the work place and could have easily been prevented, make up a staggering twenty five percent of all personal injury claims that are made and then reported over the course of time of one single year.
But, of course, the biggest impetus to find a personal injury lawyer is that of the car or other such motor vehicle accident, as these accidents make up more than half (fifty two percent, to be more exact) of all personal injury cases that go on over the course of just one single year. In fact, there are an immense number of car accidents alone over the course of the year, an average of six million by the time that each year has drawn to a close, though it is, of course, important to note that not all car and other such motor vehicle accidents will result in a personal injury case and the subsequent need to find a personal injury lawyer.
But many do, as up to three million injuries will likely be sustained in this same period of time in which we see six million car accidents. And while some of these injuries are relatively mild and less than severe, others can cause a huge impact on the injured party’s life. From paralysis to lifelong issues with chronic pain, many car accident victims even find that they now must live their lives in a totally different way from how they did before. Such things are certainly difficult, and can not only take an emotional toll, but financial one as well. Such people are likely to be in need of a personal injury lawyer to get them the settlement money that they deserve.
And as there are many preventable causes of car accidents here in the United States, the chance of a settlement and valid personal injury case is one that is high. Take, for instance, the matter of drunk driving. Drunk driving is something that is far too prevalent, with as many as three hundred thousand people getting behind the wheel while intoxicated on alcohol over the course of just one single day here in the United States alone. In fact, drunk driving is so prevalent and so dangerous that a new person is injured in a drunk driving related incidents for every single two minute time span that passes us by.
Personal injury cases are common here and all throughout the United States, there is no doubt about it. Finding the right personal injury lawyer for all such cases is key and critical to personal injury success.