Even though there are regulations and protocols in place to prevent and/or minimize workplace injuries and accidents, they continue to occur. Individuals in the construction industry, for example, will often sustain back and other types of musculoskeletal injuries. Nursing assistants and orderlies, however, will usually experience 3 times the rate of these types of injuries while at work.
In 2013, there were 3 million nonfatal workplace injuries and illnesses reported by employers in the private sector. This was slightly less than those reported for 2012. While there may have been additional job-related injuries and illnesses, these were the types that were reported for 2013:
- Sprains, strains, and tears: 327,060
- Slips, trips, and falls: 229,190
- Back injuries: 170,450
While not all occupational injuries cause employees to miss work, others will require them to do so. As a result of 917,100 occupational injuries and illnesses, many employees were required to be absent from work. On average, both men and women missed 8 days due to these issues related to their injuries and illnesses. In some cases, they may have needed to be away from work for longer periods of time.
Workers’ Compensation will pay 100% of the medical costs for employees that are injured on the job. After a waiting period that is usually 3 days to a week, cash benefits for lost work are paid. Wages and salaries make up most, or 70%, of these costs, while the remaining 30% is comprised of benefits.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ “2010 National Compensation Survey” indicated that the costs associated with paying Workers’ Compensation consisted of 1.6% of overall employer spending in the United States. Workers’ Compensation benefit payments were $58.2 billion during 2010, and there was a 3.4% increase in 2011, where benefits totaled $60.2 billion. There were approximately 125.8 million employees covered by both state and federal Workers’ Compensation laws during 2011 as well.
Have you been injured while on the job? Are you experiencing issues with applying for and/or receiving your Workers Compensation claim? When you contact a Workers Compensation law firm, a Workers Compensation lawyer will be able to assist you with these and other related issues.