From the traffic accident lawyer to the auto accident attorney, there is simply no doubt about it that motor vehicle accidents are far too prevalent here in the United States. In fact, as many as six million of them happen each and every year in this country alone.
In these six million – or near six million (nearly five and half million of these non fatal) – car accidents, the number of injured people as a result of them is high. For three million people if not even more, car accidents will lead to some type of injury. In the lucky ones, this injury is relatively minor and, once healed from, can be moved on from entirely. However, some injuries are much more severe, and these can have a life long impact. As any truck accident lawyer knows, a car or truck accident can all too easily change the course of a life entirely.
On top of this, many people die in car accidents and truck accidents as well, a fact that is all too familiar for anyone who deals with car accidents on a professional basis, from the traffic accident lawyer to best lawyers to medical professionals. In fact, it has been estimated that at least thirty thousand people will die in car accidents per year. In the year of 2014, for example, only about thirty thousand people passed away as a result of car accidents. In other recent years, however, this number has often totaled thirty seven thousand people or more.
So what causes these accidents, from truck accidents to car accidents? As any truck accident lawyer or traffic accident lawyer can tell you, the causes are many and varied. Some causes, like the weather, cannot always be prevented. On the other hand, many causes of traffic accidents most certainly can be.
One such preventable cause of traffic accidents and other such motor vehicle accidents is that of drunk driving or driving while under the influence of just about any intoxicating substance. Drunk driving is so dangerous that it even accounts for more than thirty percent (thirty two percent, to be more exact) of all traffic accident and other such car accident fatalities.
Unfortunately, driving while under the influence is most likely more common than the average person realizes. In just the course of one single day, in fact, as many as three hundred thousand people will get behind the wheel while inebriated. Of these people, however, it is estimated that four thousand or even less will actually be stopped and arrested as a result. Because so many people get away with it, the danger of drunk driving is great not only for the driver, but for all the cars and pedestrians around them.
An auto accident attorney or traffic accident lawyer will also be able to tell you how common other types of preventable car accidents are. Aside from drunk driving or driving while otherwise intoxicated or under the influence, distracted driving is hugely dangerous as well, causing more than fifteen percent (sixteen percent, to be more exact) of all traffic accident and other such car accident fatalities that will occur over the course of just one year. For the average traffic accident lawyer, cases of distracted driving are becoming more and more prevalent – and are unfortunately likely to continue to do so in the years that are to come.
In fact, more than three thousand and one hundred people were killed in traffic accidents related to distracted driving in that year of 2013 alone. In that same year, more than four hundred thousand people sustained injuries, sometimes severe and life changing ones, thanks to distracted driving as well. As the typical traffic accident lawyer will likely be all too familiar with, technology has brought on the rise of distracted driving, attaching us to our phones in a way that often becomes dangerous, from texting while driving to even just using the navigational systems on our phones.
There are many causes of preventable car accidents here in the United States, from distracted driving to driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.