It is an unfortunate fact that motor vehicle accidents are prevalent within the United States. In 2015, for example, approximately 32,166 of these motor vehicle accidents were fatal. Since a large percentage of these accidents could be prevented by responsible driving, it’s essential for drivers to take this into consideration when getting behind the wheel of their vehicle.
Motorcycle Accidents Resulting in Injuries and Fatalities
Motorcyclists are more likely to become injured or die as a direct result of being in motor vehicle accidents. During 2013, 14% of all traffic fatalities occurred to people riding a motorcycle. These individuals also accounted for four percent of the total number of injuries that resulted from being in traffic accidents.
Fortunately, however, there has been a slight decrease in the number of injuries and fatalities due to motorcycle accidents. It’s important to note, however, that the number of injuries sustained by motorcyclists decreased between 2014 and 2015. In 2014, 92,000 motorcyclists were injured, and in 2015, this number decreased 4.3% to 88,000 injuries.
Pedestrian Injuries and Fatalities
Every year, pedestrians experience injuries or fatalities while crossing the street or while standing on or walking along sidewalks. Older adults, particularly those 65 and over, account for many of these injuries and fatalities. In 2015, for example, persons 65 and older accounted for roughly 13% of all pedestrian injuries and 19% of all pedestrian fatalities.
Driving Under the Influence of Legal and Illegal Substances
When individuals choose to drive while under the influence of legal substances, such as alcohol or prescribed medications, they are taking a great risk. Not only are they more likely to cause or be otherwise involved in an accident, they are also more likely to cause direct harm to others as well as themselves.
Roughly 16% of all motor vehicle accidents have occurred due to one or more drivers being under the influence of drugs other than alcohol, however. This includes both legal and illegal substances. It’s important to note that almost 1.1 million drivers were arrested during 2015 for operating their vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or narcotics.
The Incidence of Distracted Driving
While distracted driving continues to be an issue, there has been a slight decrease with specific types of distractions. The usage of handheld cell phones and other electronic devices has decreased. Between the years of 2015 to 2016, for instance, the percentage of distracted driving in this category decreased from 3.8% to 3.3%.
Contact a Personal Injury Attorney for Counsel
When one or more people have been injured due to motor vehicle accidents, it’s necessary for them to take time to heal both physically and emotionally. Given this, it’s not surprising that most personal injury cases are settled out of court. This applies to roughly 95% to 96% of these cases. In the event that a case does need to go to trial, however, a personal injury attorney will be their to provide support to their client accordingly.
If you or someone in your family has been injured or died as a result of being in a motor vehicle accident, it’s a good idea to contact a personal injury law firm to receive counsel. Whether this injury or death occurred while in a passenger car or on a motorcycle, a car accident attorney can discuss your case with you. Personal injury attorneys can also provide you with counsel if you or someone in your family was a pedestrian that was injured or died as a result of being struck by a vehicle.