Nikola Tesla affects the lives of the majority of people on Earth every day even though he died in 1943. One of his inventions, alternating current, powers the lights of the modern world. It also powers many radios, which Tesla also invented, and yet many people have never heard his name. As a matter of fact, many learned in school that others deserved Tesla?s credit, such as with the invention of the radio being often attributed to Marconi.
Many individuals desperately desire to equal the beneficial impact on the lives of future generations achieved by Tesla. No matter how altruistic their motives might be, however, few would choose his accompanied lack of recognition, not, should they. Fortunately, the laws to protect intellectual property have improved as has the skills of the lawyers practicing in this field of law. Hopefully, this overview of the primary protections relevant to inventors currently in place will reassure those seeking to create the future.
What Are Patents?
A patent is an authority granted by the government which allows the entity holding the patent the sole ownership of an invention for a set length of time. This ownership includes the right to decide who may or may not manufacture, use or sell the new invention. There are three kinds of patents, explained below, with all 3 generally set at 20 years and only effective in the United States or the territories it controls, such as Puerto Rico.
Utility Patents
If someone creates or discovers a useful new machine or process or perhaps improves upon one previously created, they would be able to seek a utility patent. A patent lawyer can be a priceless resource in 2 primary ways with this type of patent. First, the person holding a patent also holds the responsibility for enforcing it, a process most would be clueless how to undertake. Experienced patent lawyers are ideal for this role. Second, the filing for a utility patent can be especially vexing, which is no trivial matter considering the initial degree of complexity. Filing incorrectly can cost extra money or lose the chance of the government awarding the rights requested.
Design Patents
One of the first services design patent law firms may perform for some is to explain the difference between utility and design patents. The point of differentiation that confuses many is in whether what has been created involves a new or improved use or a new or improved appearance. Design patent law firms are the solution for many designers who are forced to contend with knockoffs from other countries being sold in the United States. If a person or store that sells impersonation designer purses, for example, is fined and their inventory is seized, it is nearly a certainty that design patent law firms were involved somewhere along the road to that point.
Plant Patents
Design patent law firms do not need to explain any subtle differences between these two types. Plant patents serve to protect the asexually produced, new and distinct type of plant. The requirement of asexual reproduction results from the attempt to distinguish between what a person creates and the natural process of evolution.
The various types of patents exist to protect people who create new things or concepts. The patent attorneys work to ensure that Tesla?s fate is not shared by new inventors, allowing them to receive their due credit.