Although teen drivers are, naturally, excited to get on the road, there are still some elementary safety precautions that they should always follow. Younger drivers are much more likely to become involved in serious car accidents, and continue to report that they text while driving. Despite extensive public awareness campaigns about the dangers of distracted driving, teen drivers take their lives in their hands every time they allow their attention to stray from the road.
Every personal injury attorney knows that in less than a second, a person’s entire life can change. A driver whose attention is not focused on the road ahead of them can actually travel the length of two football fields in less than ten seconds. One missed traffic light or stop sign can spell permanent injury for passengers, drivers, or pedestrians. With more stringent “distracted driving” laws in most states across the country, drivers who text while driving could face jail time, considerable fines, or even permanent loss of their license.
The statistics for distracted driving crashes are startling: across America, more than 600,000 drivers choose to text, look up websites on the internet, or play games on their cell phones while they are driving at high speeds. Recent studies reveal that making phone calls and texting while on the road makes an accident three times as likely to occur, and the statistics are more dire for younger drivers who are still in high school.
Unfortunately, drunk driving is still a major problem on American roads. Fewer people drive drunk than distracted — studies indicate about 300,000 people drive drunk every day — but only about 4,000 are caught and arrested. In fact, drunk drivers report that they usually drive drunk more than 50 times before they get arrested, and young drivers need to be able to spot the warning signs of a drunk driver on the highway. Many teen drivers are responsible and cautious, and are highly committed to following the rules of the road. Drunk and distracted drivers are a safety threat, but driving defensively can help avoid accidents.
What should I do if I am involved in an accident? Knowing when to call a law firm is essential, and making sure to exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver is also a necessity. A personal injury attorney can advise clients in the process of pursuing personal injury settlements: only about 5% of all personal injury cases make it to court. The rest are actually settled before a trial, and making a list of questions to ask a personal injury attorney is highly advisable in advance of an in-person visit.
Although the personal injury settlement time frame may vary, drivers who have been involved in a car accident where the other driver was clearly at fault should immediately contact a personal injury attorney. In fact, any driver who has been involved in a car accident should talk to a lawyer about settlement cases for personal injury. There are many types of lawyers, and finding a legal professional to speak with can help drivers consider their options for either prosecution or settlement out of court.
Teen drivers should learn the signs of danger on the road: drivers who are clearly swerving and impaired should be avoided. There is no need to continue to drive alongside an impaired driver, and teens should immediately slow down their vehicles or leave the road altogether. Impaired drivers can be unpredictable, especially in snow or rain, and drivers are encouraged to avoid the potential for an accident.
As the number of convictions for distracted driving begins to climb across the United States, teens who are prepared to avoid dangerous situations are most likely to avoid car accidents. Knowing when to pull off the road can save lives, and defensive driving tactics help drivers of every age to remain safe on America’s highways.