Back when the United States were a bunch of separate colonies, several immigrants fled their home countries to seek out religious freedom. As the colonies evolved into states, these religious constituents incorporated legal statutes to protect the right to practice their chosen religion.
As time went on, the threat to these people’s religions faded away… yet their legal statutes still remain on the United States’ legal books today, despite the fact that their legislative intent is no longer relevant. There are so many of them, in fact, that you hardly have to do any law research at all.
Here are just a few of the weird legal statutes on the books today.
No Funny Mustaches!
Back in the day, people believed that church was a very serious business, and did not like it being taken lightly at all. In Alabama, there’s a legal statute still on the books today that makes it illegal for anyone to wear a fake mustache that would cause laughter in church.
No Sneezing or Burping!
The Nebraskan city of Omaha has a legal statute that expressly forbids churchgoers from sneezing, or burping, so be sure to take an antihistamine or an antacid before going to a religious service there.
No Killing! Not Even Bugs!
Weirdest of all on this list, Ohio has a legal statute that makes it illegal to kill a housefly within 160 feet of a church — and that’s not the weirdest part. According to the law, some people can kill houseflies near churches, but they need a license to do so. Hopefully if you live there, you don’t mind bugs too much.
You don’t have to do too much legislative history research to find a weird legal statute or three. If you know of any other archaic, religious laws, feel free to share in the comments. Read more here.