Driving under the influence is never something anyone plans to do, but sometimes it just happens. The consequences can be dire even if no one is hurt or killed, which is a possibility. Here are a few things you can expect if you get pulled over for driving under the influence.
1. Questions.
One thing you can expect when you get pulled over for DUI is to get asked questions. The first will likely be routine questions that you would be asked during any other traffic stop, like for your license and registration, where you’re going, and so on. The difference here is that you may be asked questions like if you have been drinking or how many drinks you have had. These, you do not have to answer. You do need to provide your license and registration, however.
2. Sobriety Tests
Another thing you can espect when you pulled over for DUI is to be asked to perform sobriety tests. You are not legally required to do this either. Common field and chemical sobriety tests include a breathalyzer test, a horizontal gaze test, a walking test, standing on one leg, and blood and urine tests. If you do refuse to do any of these, there is a penalty in some states, which is usually license revocation.
3. To Hire an DUI Defense Attorney.
Another thing you can expect when you get pulled over for DUI is to need to hire a lawyer. An arrest can occur even if the officer just has suspicion that you were drinking, so finding a lawyer right away is important. If you actually have been, the best thing you can do is politely refuse any questions and tests and call a lawyer. A DUI trial is going to be tough to get through on your own, and their counsel and representation will be invaluable to you.
Have you ever been pulled over for drunk driving or hired a DUI defense lawyer? Feel free to tell us about it in the comments section. More research here.