In today’s workforce, the average worker has not prepared should an injury happen to them in the workplace. Many everyday workers get up in the morning, go to their jobs, do the work that is required of them, and go back home at the end of the day. They do not prepare for the possibility that something could happen to them while they are on the job.
The sad fact of the matter is that injuries happen on the job every single day all around the country, and when they do happen, most people do not know a workers compensation law firm that can help them through the difficult times that inevitably occur when a worker is injured on the job.
An injury might be quite bad and require a stay in the hospital or it might be something that is treated in the emergency room before the injured worker is released. All of that can be very upsetting and rightfully so. But, the real problems arise when an injured worker has to miss several days or even months of work. The bills can pile up and the lack of income can be devastating. That is when you need to have a workers compensation law firm working for you.
Right now in the United States, just about three-quarters of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. Just over one-quarter of Americans have no savings at all. Any kind of accident at work could very possibly put a family on the skids without any hope of finding relief.
Accidents are called accidents because they are things that happen without any kind of purposeful intention. People all around the world have accidents happen to them every day, both at home and at work. If you were to do a little bit of research on accidents that happen in the workplace, you would find that 85% of worker’s compensation claims are due to employees slipping and falling on slick floors. From these slip and fall accidents, 22% of the time an employee missed more than 31 days of work.
If you are like the majority of Americans who are living paycheck to paycheck, there are at least a couple of measures you could take that would at least have you prepared if your income is threatened by an accident at work. Get in touch with a workers compensation law firm and get to know who they are and what their practice is like.
You never know when you might need to call on them if something were to happen to you at work. Even if you never have to call on them, it is a very wise idea to at least have their number in your phone contacts or have their business card on file somewhere in case something should occur.
It is always better to be safe than sorry, and in a case like an accident at work, you want to make sure that you have somebody on your side, fighting for your rights. Your job will be looking after itself. Make sure your workers compensation law firm is looking after you.