“Here’s something worth banging your head over: 42-year-old Roger Tullgren, from Hässleholm, Sweden, was cleared for state disability benefits after he’s been certified by three psychologists as a heavy-metal addict who can’t function at his workplace unless he is allowed to wear black T-shirts and camo pants, and rock out to loud, heavy metal music,” according to Oddity Central. In other words, Disability claims lawyers can — and often do — see and hear just about everything.
Is A Heavy Metal Addiction A Disability?
Several Swedish psychologists agree: Tullegren’s addictions is, by all appearances, legitimate. The country has paid at least a portion of the man’s salary or Disability benefits since 2007, owing to his addiction. For most of his life, Tullegren was unable to hold down in long-term job because he regularly missed work to attend heavy-metal shows. Psychologists even gave him a letter encouraging interviewers and employers to let Tullegren wear his preferred heavy metal garb. At his current job as a dishwasher, Tullegren’s boss allows him to listen to loud music all day. Some, however, question psychologists’ support, suggesting they should be trying to treat his addiction — instead of making special allowances for it.
How Do You Know If You Qualify For Disability?
In the United States, however, applicants must have much more concrete grounds for Disability claims. Applicants must be younger than retirement age; there are also minimum hours worked and recent work requirements, according to The Huffington Post. Applicants beyond retirement age qualify for protections under other laws, such as the ERISA act. “The Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) is a federal law that sets minimum standards for most voluntarily established pension and health plans in private industry to provide protection for individuals in these plans,” The U.S. Department of Labor explains.
Do you qualify for Disability claims? In order to qualify for Disability, you must be younger than retirement age, and — in most cases — you won’t qualify with a heavy metal addiction. Retirees, on the other hand, are protected by ERISA laws and ERISA lawyers. References.