Your life can come crashing down around in you in just a second.
Car crashes are a common story in the United States. The saddest part is the vast majority of these can be easily prevented with a little bit of awareness. Should you find yourself being the victim in this particular tale, personal injury lawyers are a resource you should turn to. A personal injury lawyer is your first line of defense in the aftermath of a crash and can provide assistance with medical matters, finances and even criminal law if you suspect drunk driving or any other failing on behalf of the driver.
Civil lawsuits cost the American economy over $235 billion every year. Personal injury lawyers see a significant amount of their time devoted to resolving disputes involving single-passenger vehicle crashes and multiple truck pile-ups. According to ongoing estimates the three most common causes of car accidents in the United States are drunk driving, distracted driving and speeding. Somewhat less common, but no less deadly, contributors to car crashes are driver fatigue, vehicle negligence and road rage.
Road rage and rampant speeding are caused by a surge in anger on behalf of the driver, with consequences ranging from minor property damage to multiple lives lost. The AAA Foundation For Traffic Safety saw aggressive driving playing a role in over 65% of all fatal traffic accidents — what constitutes as aggressive behavior behind the wheel includes yelling from the window, attempting to suddenly cut off a driver from their lane, ramming into another driver, throwing objects and excessive honking. Over three million people will be injured every year on American roads.
Driver fatigue is a particularly apt point of discussion when it comes to preventing accidents in the trucking industry. Due to the often long and steady hours required by many full-time drivers fatigue can settle in, leaving many in a poor state to react swiftly when faced with an inexperienced driver or unaware civilian. According to data provided by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, driver fatigue is to blame for nearly 15% of all truck accidents. This can include falling asleep at the wheel or being too exhausted to turn or signal properly.
Truck accidents are some of the most violent incidents to occur on American highways. The vast majority of all semi-truck accidents will result in at least one fatality and whether or not they’re towing a trailer plays a major part in the surrounding damage. While the average car weighs around 5,000 pounds, the average semi-truck is nearly 80,000 pounds. Thousands of people every year will be killed in accidents involving semi-trucks, with thousands more suffering from severe injuries and property loss.
Personal injury lawyers are your resource when handling the aftermath of a semi truck accident. Although tens of thousands of personal injury cases are brought forth every year, just 2% to 4% will actually go to trial. Whether or not yours will see a courtroom depends on your insurance carrier, the severity of the accident and how many people were involved. Potential vehicle negligence or drunk driving will also play a major factor and can potentially steer your case closer to criminal law. When you’re recovering from a car accident, the last thing on your mind is finding a truck wreck attorney.
Reach out to your nearby law firm and get the simplest and most crucial step out of the way.