Motorcycle riders are often mistaken as reckless thrill seekers who end up causing accidents because of risks they take on the road. However, studies show that most of the time, it is not their fault.
In Florida for example, every year, approximately 500 motorcyclists are killed on Florida roads and more than 8,000 bikers are injured. In a multiple-vehicle accident involving a motorcycle, nearly 60 percent of the time, the other vehicle is the one on the wrong. That is according to a study by the University of South Florida’s Center for Urban Transportation Research. All in all, motorcycle riders are partially to blame.
Accident with motorcycle can occur for a number of reasons. Some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents are:
• Lane splitting. Lane splitting refers to driving between two lanes of traffic. Lane splitting is illegal in many states, but motorcyclists tend to lane split since they are smaller than the other vehicles and can fit between and maneuver around them. This mostly happens when traffic has slowed or stopped. This is still dangerous and is a common cause of motorcycle accidents.
• Unsafe lane changes. A driver risks hitting a motorcycle rider when he or she fails to signal when changing lanes.
• Speeding. One of the leading causes of motorcycle accidents is speeding. Speeding reduces a driver’s chance of seeing and reacting to other drivers in time to prevent a collision.
• Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In many cases, drivers cause accident with motorcycle because of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Such drivers may face both civil and criminal liability.
• Dangerous road conditions. Bad weather, crumbling pavement, potholes, and a lack of necessary signals and signs can all increase a motorcyclist chances of losing control of his cycle.
• Inexperienced drivers. Inexperienced drivers are likely to make dangerous moves on the road that could lead to accidents.
If you got injured in a crash, a motorcycle accident injury attorney can offer legal advice regarding motorcycle lawsuit settlements options for pursuing compensation for medical bills and other losses.

The highest number of lawsuits in the United States stem from traffic accidents — an alarming 54.7 million of them. A portion of these are motorcycle accidents, and a good portion of those involve motorcycles. In many cases these accidents could have been avoided, and knowing what generally causes them can help everyone on the road take efforts to make the road a safer place. Here are some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents.
Lane splitting
The term lane splitting refers to a vehicle riding between two lanes of vehicles all going the same direction. This is illegal in many states, but motorcyclists tend to lane split since they are smaller than the other vehicles and can fit between and maneuver around them. This typically happens when traffic has slowed or stopped, but it can still be very dangerous and is a common cause of motorcycle crashes, since other drivers do not expect this behavior and motorcycles are not always easy to see.
Collisions with cars
Motorcycles and cars often collide when cars are making left hand turns. Motorcycles are more likely to be hit if they are speeding up to try to pass the car, if they have been riding in the car’s blind spot, or if they have been following too closely. Again, motorcycles are hard for drivers to notice so if the rider is not keeping a safe distance it can be hard to avoid hitting them.
Inclement weather
Another common cause of motorcycle accidents is inclement weather. Since motorcycles are typically two wheeled vehicles they are harder to control to begin with, and slippery roads and decreased visibility can be very dangerous for a motorcycle rider. Wearing protective gear and checking the weather before going for a ride are important precautions to take to avoid getting into an accident due to inclement weather. Furthermore, drivers should pay closer attention to the roads and look out for riders, especially when navigating turns and switching lanes.
If you have been injured in a motorcycle accident, you should hire a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible after receiving medical treatment. Find more on this here.