If you’ve been looking for divorce help, you probably have a lot of questions. Below are some of the more common divorce questions out there and some general answers. Remember though, if you have legal questions, it’s best to speak to your legal representative.
“Can a no fault divorce be contested?”
Technically, yes. While a no-fault divorce avoids a trial, a no-fault contested divorce can still occur when both spouses cannot agree to the terms of the divorce.

“Can I contact my husband’s attorney?”
No. If you are represented by counsel, your spouse’s attorney is not legally permitted to speak with you. Doing so is likely to be a breach of ethical and professional rules.
“Can both husband and wife file for divorce?”
Under some circumstances, yes. Depending on the state you live in, if your divorce is uncontested and no-fault, you may be allowed to file jointly for a dissolution of the marriage.
“Can you get married without a divorce?”
Getting remarried before a divorce is final constitutes bigamy, which is a federal crime and illegal in all states. This applies even if you did not know the person was still legally married.
It is common knowledge that divorce is an increasingly common event in the United States: the U.S. Census Bureau reports that as many as 50% of all marriages entered into today will end in divorce. Moreover, the more times a person has been married seems to have a direct relationship on their likelihood of separation: statistics show that 60% of second marriages in divorce, while as many as 73% of third marriages will also dissolve. However, regardless of how common divorce has become, it is not always easy to decide what steps to take in the event that you separate from your spouse. How will you and your partner split your shared property? If you own a home, should it be sold? If you have children, how should you decide custody and child support? The questions are difficult, but fortunately, the first step you should take is simple: hire a divorce attorney.
An estimated 46,523 divorces are filed in the United States each week, with two-thirds of these separations initiated by women. The average age of a man seeking a first divorce is 30.5 years old, while for women the average age is 29. This means that the average person undergoing divorce proceedings has an entire life ahead of them, and has likely learned a great deal from the time they spent married. By working with a legal professional with experience in this area of the law, those seeking a divorce can work their way through the admittedly difficult process as easily and painlessly as possible, enabling them to start the newest phase of their life as quickly as possible.
Divorce lawyers come in many forms, and divorce law firms usually employ a number of attorneys with varying specialties to help assist their clients with the many different aspects of their separations. For example, former partners with children typically require the services of a family law lawyer to help negotiate the new future of their family. Whether the divorce is amicable or contentious, it can often be beneficial for both parties, as well as the child or children, to utilize the services of a child custody lawyer or a child support lawyer to help come to the best situation for everyone involved.
The average length of divorce proceedings in the U.S. is one year. While the process is famously difficult, both objectively and emotionally, with the help of a seasoned divorce attorney, the solution to your questions and problems may be easier than they initially seemed. Separation is a common event in many people’s lives- don’t let it define the rest of yours. Instead, contact a divorce attorney today to discuss their services. Helpful links.